Comparison of the treatment mediated changes in serum lipid profile of cases with metabolic syndrome treated with low dose atorvastatin versus the usual care group
Atorvastatin, HDL- cholesterol, Lipid profile, LDL- cholesterol, Metabolic syndrome, TriglyceridesAbstract
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a constellation of cardiometabolic risk determinants comprising of obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia and hypertension. In view of the epidemic of metabolic syndrome, this prospective, comparative study done in OPD setting in a tertiary care centre of central India aimed at finding out the changes in lipid profile, a surrogate marker of cardiovascular morbidities on treatment with low dose atorvastatin versus the usual care group.
Methods: Patients satisfying NCEP-ATPIII criteria for metabolic syndrome were divided into two groups. Group A received treatment with 20 mg Atorvastatin along with target driven treatment for hypertension and elevated glucose, as required. Group B received the same except for atorvastatin. Serum lipid profiles were recorded and changes were compared before and after study duration of 3 months. Also, cardiac events were kept track of during follow up.
Results: At the end of study it was found that treatment mediated changes in the lipid profile were highly significant (p<0.001) and favourable in group A as compared to Group B. Also, lesser cardiovascular outcomes were observed in Group A patients.
Conclusions: The study concludes that among patients with metabolic syndrome, those treated with statins benefitted more than those who did not take statin therapy. This benefit in the correction of serum lipid profile also translated in terms of decreased cardiovascular outcomes in Group A patients. Hence, low dose atorvastatin therapy provides a potential approach for treatment of patients with metabolic syndrome.
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