Evaluation of antidepressant activity of tramadol in albino mice using forced swim model
Animal models, Evaluation, Forced swimming test, ImipramineAbstract
Background: The fact that tramadol can be used as an antidepressant, has been already proved by some animal studies. The objective of the present study was to evaluate antidepressant activity of tramadol in albino mice using forced swim model.
Methods: Forced swimming test (FST) model was used to evaluate the antidepressant effect. Mice in the group "I" were given normal saline. Mice in the group II were given imipramine. Mice in the group III were given tramadol 10mg/kg. Mice in the group IV were given tramadol 20mg/kg. Mice in the group V were given tramadol 40mg/kg. All doses in all groups were given by intra peritoneum route.
Results: The average values of immobility in group I were higher significantly compared to group III, IV and V. The values of group I and group II were found to be comparable. It was found that the baseline mean value was 196.33 which reduced to 5.16 with the effect of imipramine where imipramine was given to those mice. But in tramadol 10mg group, it was highest, and it came down to 40.66 and as the dose of tramadol was increased, the immobility time reduced from 40.66 at 10mg dose to 31.33 at 20mg dose and finally to 13.33mg at 40mg dose.
Conclusions: Considering the results of two different animal models of depression it can be concluded that Tramadol has antidepressant activity at 10mg, 20mg, 40mg which was almost similar to Imipramine.
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