Drug utilization study in dengue infection in a tertiary care hospital
Dengue fever, Drug utilization pattern, DDD/ATC codeAbstract
Background: Dengue fever (DF) is a serious public health problem, gaining global attention because of its morbidity and mortality. Less studies on Drug utilization pattern of DF in India. The present study was undertaken to analyze Drug utilization pattern of dengue infection in a tertiary care hospital.
Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted for a period of 2 months in a tertiary care hospital and the data was analyzed by using various drug use indicators.
Results: A total of 52 prescriptions were analyzed. Male and female were (46.16%, 53.84%), A total of 330 drugs were prescribed. 86 (26.06%) antibiotics, 70 (21.21%) antipyretics, 51 (15.46%) antacids, 19 (5.76%) multivitamins, 52 (15.76%) anti-emetics and 52 (15.76%) papaya leaf extract was prescribed. 84 (25.46%) oral and 246 (74.54%) injectable drugs. IV-fluids given to all patients. 10 (19.24%) were given blood transfusion. 6.17 drugs per prescription. 96% drugs were prescribed by brand names. High DDD for drugs like diclofenac (184), doxycycline (115), metronidazole (2.5), pantoprazole (161.5), rabeprazole (34.6), ondansetron (200) was observed.
Conclusions: Most commonly used drugs are antipyretics, antibiotics, antacids, antiemetic, papaya leaf extract. As the incidence of DF is increasing with epidemics, demand for specific treatment guidelines is in great need. Early recognition of the disease, with a rational approach in case management leads good clinical outcome.
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