Evaluation of antioxidant activity of ormeloxifene: in vitro study
DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazy) assay, Nitric oxide synthase assay, Ormeloxifene, Selective estrogen receptor modulatorAbstract
Background: Ormeloxifene (Centchroman) is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) which acts as estrogen antagonist and having anti progestogenic activity also. It is being used in the management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding and as nonhormonal oral contraceptive. It is also being investigated for the indications such as osteoporosis, breast and endometrial carcinoma. In this study, we have evaluated the Antioxidant potential of drug by using DPPH and NO synthase Assay. It was found that ormeloxifene has significant antioxidant activity which could be cause for its use in various gynaecological and other conditions.
Methods: In this study, we have demonstrated in vitro antioxidant activity of ormeloxifene. DPPH and NO synthase assay tests were done for different concentrations of ormeloxifene.
Results: In our study, it showed that the free radical scavenging activity of ormeloxifene was less in lower concentration and increased in the higher concentration in DPPH assay. The free radical scavenging activity of drug ormeloxifene was 22% at 100µg/ml and 27% for the concentrations of 1000µg/ml in DPPH assay. No scavenging activity was 3% at 100µg/ml and 11% at 1000µg/ml.
Conclusions: The invitro antioxidant analysis of ormeloxifene, was proved to be a potent antioxidant.
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