An evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among interns in a tertiary care teaching hospital of North Maharashtra
Adverse drug reaction, Pharmacovigilance, Spontaneous reportingAbstract
Background: Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) are considered as one of the leading cause throughout the world resulting in significant increase in mortality and morbidity, therefore its monitoring is very essential in today's practice of medicine. Spontaneous reporting of ADRs have played a major role in the detection of unsuspected, serious and unusual ADRs previously undetected during the phases of clinical trials. Under-reporting of ADRs is considered as one of the major hurdle for the success of pharmacovigilance. Aims and objectives were to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among interns in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
Methods: A cross sectional, observational, questionnaire based study was carried out using a predesigned Knowledge Attitude Practice (KAP) questionnaire. Study was conducted after the permission of Institutional Ethical Committee (IEC). The study included 100 interns who had completed at least ten months of their internship. The KAP questionnaire was assessed and analyzed and data was presented as percentages.
Results: On an average only 31.17% interns answered correctly related with knowledge about pharmacovigilance. 88.63% interns agreed that ADRs reporting is necessary. According to 85.22% interns, pharmacovigilance must be taught in details to healthcare professionals. Only 34.09% had ever seen the ADR reporting form. Only 17.04% interns had knowledge about how to report ADR?
Conclusions: Our study revealed that there was lack of awareness related with knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among the interns. There is need of implementation of pharmacovigilance awareness programs for undergraduates.
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