Seizure in a patient on Wellbutrin: a case report


  • Samreen Ahmed Department of Psychiatry, Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA
  • Saima Warraich Department of Psychiatry, Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA



Wellbutrin, Seizure, Major depression


We are reporting the case of drug-induced seizure in a 32-year-old Hispanic female who was taking wellbutrin for major depression. Our patient was taking 300 mg/day of wellbutrin when she had one episode of generalized seizure. Wellbutrin uses, side effects, and contraindications are discussed in this case report. Moreover, the factors that make individuals more vulnerable to seizures, as a side effect of wellbutrin, are also highlighted. Interestingly, wellbutrin also has addiction potential hence its abuse is becoming increasingly common that makes it crucial for the clinicians to rule out any history of substance abuse before prescribing it. Literature review has shown a reported case of seizure as a side effect of wellbutrin. Our patient remained seizure free after wellbutrin was discontinued making it the possible cause for her seizure episode.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, S., & Warraich, S. (2017). Seizure in a patient on Wellbutrin: a case report. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 4(6), 1299–1301.