Evolving therapeutics in acid-related disorders of the gut: is vonoprazan the drug of the next decade
Erosive esophagitis, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Proton pump inhibitors, Potassium-competitive acid blockers, VonoprazanAbstract
Vonoprazan a competitive potassium acid blocker (P-CAB) has been gaining traction compared to the use of traditional PPIs for the treatment of GERD and other acid-related disorders. We aim to review its comparative edge over the other widely used PPIs and its combination therapies in this article. It is also emerging to show superiority in mucosal and clinical healing rates in the already published literature. The mechanism of action of vonoprazan involves the antagonism of potassium channels present in parietal cells, thereby inhibiting gastric acid secretion. This distinctive mode of action effectively suppresses acid secretion in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and erosive esophagitis. For clinical usage, 20 mg of vonoprazan has been reported to be more effective in the management of acid-related disorders compared to conventional PPIs. This article underscores the need for continued research to fully elucidate the potential of vonoprazan in managing acid-related disorders, particularly in populations beyond Japan where its utility remains to be fully explored. It also aims to enlighten healthcare providers regarding its usage in the management of acid-related gastrointestinal disorders by providing insights into its clinical utility, practical considerations, & effective drug combinations eventually ameliorating patient outcomes and quality of life.
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