Cost analysis study of price variation among the various brands of proton pump inhibitors available in Benghazi-Libya
Cost analysis, Proton pump inhibitors, H2-receptor antagonists, Cost ratio, Percentage cost variation, PharmacoeconomicsAbstract
Background: A large proportion of patients in developing countries have to pay out of pocket for their medications. The prices of different brands of the same medications vary considerably and may vary from one community pharmacy to another. This study was undertaken to evaluate the variation in costs of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) and histamine H2-receptor antagonists available in Libya.
Methods: Prices of various brands of PPI and various formulations were collected from four community pharmacies in the city of Benghazi. Both cost ratio and percentage variation were calculated and compared for various brands of the same strength and number of tablets, capsules, injections, or syrups.
Results: The highest cost ratio and percentage price variation were found with omeprazole 20 mg, followed by omeprazole 40 mg. Other significant cost variations (>100%) were seen with pantoprazole 40 mg, Downoprazol (omeprazole + sodium bicarbonate) 40 mg, and esomeprazole 40 mg. Ampoules of omeprazole, cimetidine, and ranitidine had cost ratios of 1:1.7, 1:1.7, and 1:1.8, and cost variation ratios of 71.4, 66.7, and 75, respectively. Variations in prices of PPI and histamine H2 antagonists from the same manufacturer between different community pharmacies were common. The highest percentage cost variation (100) was seen with omeprazole 20 mg.
Conclusions: Due to political instability, the prices of all drugs are controlled by importing private companies and the owners of community pharmacies instead of governmental authorities, that leads to cost variations. Therefore, the health authorities exert strict control on pricing of medications.
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