Rationale use of drugs in pregnancy induced hypertension at a tertiary care hospital
Pregnant women, Hypertension, Preeclampsia, Rationale drug useAbstract
Background: Pregnancy induced hypertension known as preeclampsia is considered to be the second cause of death next to anaemia. There are significant sources of maternal and foetal mortality and morbidity. Antihypertensive medication reduces the progression of the course of hypertensive disorders. However, its effect on the outcomes of pregnancy may include development of preeclampsia, preterm delivery, foetal /neonatal demise, IUGR, low birth weight. Whether such associations are casual or confounded is unknown. Hence, we intended to study the rationale use of drugs in pregnancy induced hypertensive patients.
Methods: Patients diagnosed with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy were recruited. Pregnant women in the age group of 18-45 years who consented to participate were included. Non pregnant women and women with PCOD, depression and on any medications were excluded. Details on drug treatment, type of drugs, combination, dose, dosage and duration were noted.
Results: 105 patients were enrolled. 51% belonged to 18-25 years. 98% mothers received monotherapy and 2% received dual therapy. Labetalol was the most commonly prescribed drug. 50% of the patients received a combination of Nifedipine and Methyldopa while another 50% received Nifedipine with Labetalol. The outcome of new born babies born in mothers receiving antihypertensive drugs had complications of low birth weight and malformations. The dose of the medications prescribed was well within the range.
Conclusions: Proper counselling to the patients regarding life style management, regular follow ups and monitoring of blood pressure is important to understand, resolve the burden and complication.
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