Association of proton pump inhibitors with renal dysfunction: a cross-sectional study
Proton pump inhibitors, Renal dysfunction, Serum creatinine, Estimated glomerular filtration rateAbstract
Background: Proton pump inhibitors are the most frequently prescribed class of medications for prescription and over-the-counter, and the data suggest that comorbidities, polypharmacy, self-medication, no clear indications and duration beyond the recommended guidelines PPIs use are associated with renal dysfunction. Aim was to study the proportion of renal dysfunction among patients using oral PPIs and determine the association between the duration of oral PPIs use and the severity of renal dysfunction.
Methods: The data collection of 250 patients was done at the time of contact, which included demographic profiles, complete medical history, physical examination, and laboratory investigation in this study. For analysis, name of oral PPIs used, duration and dosage of oral PPIs therapy, laboratory values of serum blood urea, serum creatinine, eGFR, and serum electrolytes parameters have been considered.
Results: Amongst 250 patients with PPIs used for a week, 23 patients showed mildly reduced kidney function (p=0.000), PPIs used for >1 to 2 weeks, 29 patients showed grade 2 kidney function (p=0.001), while PPIs used for >2-3 weeks only two patients showed grade 3 kidney function (p=0.44). Patients aged >50 years in all groups showed grade 2 renal function, regardless of the duration of PPIs use. Increasing age, males, rural, smoking, and alcoholics were the risk factors for renal dysfunction. PPIs use significantly impacts eGFR.
Conclusions: Collectively, this study found a significant association between PPIs use and renal dysfunction. PPIs used for >2 weeks in elderly patients have shown a 4−fold increased risk of developing renal dysfunction.
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