Pharmaco-ecomonic study of oral anti-hypertensive drugs available in Indian pharmaceutical market
Hypertension, Pharmacoeconomics, Diabetes mellitusAbstract
Background: Hypertension is a global public health problem. To decrease its morbidity and mortality it needs life-long treatment. There is a wide range of variation in the prices of antihypertensive drugs marketed in India. Thus, a study was planned to evaluate the difference in cost of different brands of same active drug by calculating percentage variation of cost.
Methods: The cost of different brands of commonly used anti-hypertensive drugs was sorted out by referring latest CIMS, MIMS and drug today. The cost of 10 dosage forms (tablets/capsules) in INR of each brand, cost ratio and percentage cost variation were calculated and evaluated.
Results: The cost of different anti-hypertensive drugs were analysed and minimum and maximum cost of the drugs in a particular dosage are tabulated. The cost variation is analysed with SPSS software 2.0 version with tools of median and interquartile range. The variation in cost of most of the anti-hypertensive drugs is more than 100%. It’s found maximum in amlodipine (5 mg) with cost variation of 625%, atenolol 100 mg with cost variation of 413%.
Conclusions: The average percentage cost variation of the same molecules of antihypertensive drugs manufactured by different pharmaceuticals company in India is very wide. So, government, pharmaceutical company, marketing manager and prescribing doctors should think about variation of cost and do needful for providing maximum benefits to the patients receiving antihypertensive drugs.
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