A prospective observational study of demographic profile in patients of amoebic and pyogenic liver abscesses in a tertiary care hospital





Liver abscess, Amoebic liver abscesses, Pyogenic liver abscesses, Age and mode of presentation


Background: Liver abscesses, both amoebic and pyogenic, continue to be an important cause of morbidity and mortality in tropical countries. Pyogenic liver abscess is a serious, life-threatening condition with a high mortality rate that represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In India, due to poor sanitary condition and a lower socioeconomic status, amoebiasis is endemic and amoebic liver abscess accounts for 3-9% of all cases of amoebiasis. Aim and objectives of current study was to study demographic profile in patients of amoebic and pyogenic liver abscesses.

Methods: A detailed history was taken from each of these patients and all of them were subjected to a through clinical examination.

Results: The highest incidence occurred in the age group 31-50 years; males were more commonly affected than females. Fever and pain abdomen were the most consistently occurring symptoms. All the patients with liver abscess had abdominal tenderness. 17 patients (74%) with liver abscess were alcoholics. 8 patients (80%) with amoebic liver abscess were alcoholic as compared to 9 patients (69%) in pyogenic liver abscess.

Conclusions: Pyogenic organisms were most common cause of liver abscess.


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How to Cite

Walwekar, A., Mirje, M., Balaraddiyavar, N., & Walwekar, R. (2023). A prospective observational study of demographic profile in patients of amoebic and pyogenic liver abscesses in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 12(2), 202–205. https://doi.org/10.18203/2319-2003.ijbcp20230387



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