Hemovigilance: a momentous step to blood safety
Haemovigilance, Blood transfusion reactions, Adverse drug reactions, PVPI, PharmacovigilanceAbstract
Hemovigilance is a series of monitoring procedures that cover the entire transfusion chain, from blood and its component collection to recipient follow-up, collecting and collecting information about unexpected or adverse effects resulting from the therapeutic use of unstable blood products. It is designed to be evaluated, and to prevent their occurrence and recurrence. The Haemovigilance program in developed countries is associated with IHN and has voluntary reporting requirements. In France, Germany and Switzerland, the hemodynamic system is regulated by supervisors. It is one of the blood manufacturers in Japan, Singapore and South Africa. In the Netherlands and the United Kingdom within the Medical Society; in Canada, regulated by health authorities. Intensive blood exercise program to ensure patient safety and promote public health begins on December 10, 2012 in Phase 1 in collaboration with National Institute of Biological Sciences under MOHFW for the first time in India it was done. HvPI is responding very well, as most medical colleges and laboratories have already registered and are beginning to provide data on side effects. The HvPI Unit produces educational materials in the form of publishing the Haemovigilance newsletter, information, education and communication (IEC) literature, and conducts an academic CME and awareness program on Haemovigilance throughout the year in India. The provocation is to understand not only the feedback of the internet, but even the sociology of human networks. Guaranteeing the reliability, responsiveness, and feedback of each alert is also important. Blood products are an important area of PvPI for reporting and recording post-transfusion ADRs of blood / blood products. To work efficiently, a lean mechanism and proper coordination with standardized tools at all levels is needed.
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