A questionnaire based institutional assessment of ‘knowledge’, ‘attitude’ and ‘practice’ about bio-ethics in clinical research among postgraduate residents
Institutional ethics committee, Hippocratic oath, Bioethics, Informed consentAbstract
Background: Research ethics govern the standards of conduct for scientific researchers. Post graduate residents are one of the key stakeholders in clinical research. Therefore, the present study is designed to assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about bio-ethics in clinical research among post-graduate residents.
Methods: A self-administered pretested questionnaire was given to 40 students selected on the basis of convenience sampling. The questionnaire consists of questions related to knowledge and attitude toward principles and practice of bioethics in clinical research, informed consent, and role of the ethics committee in the institution. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the results.
Results: 70% of the students have formally taken Hippocratic Oath. Knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding Institutional Ethics Committee, and informed consent were more among final year students when compared to their juniors. Source of knowledge of bioethics were multiple. Department lectures were not a preferred mode of learning.
Conclusions: There is an urgent need to include practical education of ethics to bridge the gap in the knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding ethics in clinical practice and research.
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