Herbal drugs: knowledge, attitude and practice of its concurrent use with allopathic drugs, scientific testing and effectiveness in common diseases among educated class
Herbal drugs, Complementary and alternative medicine, Drug herb interaction, Doctor patient communicationAbstract
Background: Craving for a holistic approach for healthcare and concern about side effect of the chemically produced drug is increasing interest in herbal medicine. There is a favourable perception about its effectiveness in complete cure of certain diseases. Its regulation, concurrent use with allopathic medicine and scientific testing has always been of concern.
Methods: Cross sectional descriptive study was done using predesigned questionnaire among the educated class. Socio-demographic data, attitude and practice about simultaneous use, effectiveness in common disease, scientific testing and regulation of herbal medicine were asked. Also a rating of different system of medicine i.e allopathy, unani, ayurveda, homeopathy was asked.
Results: Total completed participants were 120. Across level of education use of herbal medicine was 55% in the last 1 year, 56.7% have used or intend to use herbal along with allopathic and only 18.9 % tell it to treating physician. 50% consider concurrent use as safe, 43% believe it cures completely, 31.7% consider equally effective than allopathic and 95% have not encountered any side effect or allergic reaction with it. A majority did not know about any scientific testing and clinical study of herbal drugs.
Conclusions: Herbal medicines have very positive perception. The regulatory authorities are also patronising it in many countries. They are also being used along with allopathic medicine and many times even without knowledge of treating doctor. The perception about herbal medicine is historical based on personal or clinical experiences, mostly lacking with good grade of strength of evidence. There is need to have Level Ia or Ib evidence for their effectiveness and safety.
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