Knowledge, attitude, and practices towards COVID-19 among general population in northern India
COVID-19, Knowledge, Attitude, PracticesAbstract
Background: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a respiratory disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The disease is highly infectious, it causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS CoV-2). In India, there are more than 2.5 lac active COVID19 cases and case fatality rate of COVID-19 is 1.45% as per Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) on 1 January 2021. To guarantee the final success, people’s adherence to preventive measures is necessary.
Methods: Survey was conducted to investigate the knowledge, attitude and practices towards COVID-19 among general population in northern India. Data was collected telephonically, using a structured questionnaire from 100 participants. Total 30 questions were included in questionnaire.
Results: Regarding mode of spread, 82% believed in respiratory droplets (coughing, sneezing), 76% in touching and shaking hand with infected person, 37% in use of objects used by infected person. Regarding symptoms of the disease, 88% participants voted for fever, 62% for dry cough, 55% for sore throat, and 82% for difficulty in breathing. Regarding attitude, 72% had confidence that India can win the battle against COVID-19. Evaluation of prevention practices showed that 38% still visited crowded places and 22% had not worn masks in public places. Only 48% maintained 6 feet distance with others.
Conclusions: Knowledge and attitude in most of the areas were quite adequate but actual practices for preventing measures were lacking. So, more awareness programs and more such surveys regarding following the appropriate measures are need of the hour to prevent the spread of this highly communicable and deadly disease.
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