Role of adjunctive vitamin C supplement therapy in combating COVID-19


  • Gnaneswari Regati Venkata Department of Pharmacy practice, Annamacharya College of Pharmacy, Rajampet, Andhra Pradesh, India



COVID-19, Vitamin C, Immunity, Antioxidant, Infection


Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in December 2019, the disease has continued to spread, highlighting the urgent need for immunization and a cure. People are seeking ways in which to potentially protect themselves from the virus or to alleviate its effects once caught.  This article reviews what vitamin C is, how it affects immunity, how it’s being tried for COVID-19 patients in a hospital setting. Vitamin C affects immune health in several ways through its antioxidant ability, collagen synthesis or directly strengthening cells in the fight against infection.


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How to Cite

Venkata, G. R. (2020). Role of adjunctive vitamin C supplement therapy in combating COVID-19. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 9(12), 1931–1934.



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