Study of knowledge, attitude and practice of peripheral intravenous cannulation among interns at Mc Gann teaching district hospital, Shivamogga: a descriptive cross-sectional study


  • Vedavathi Hanumaiah Department of Pharmacology, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
  • Eshanu H. Shastry Department of Pharmacology, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
  • Shreenivas Revankar Department of Pharmacology, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India



Peripheral intravenous cannulation, Thrombophlebitis, Hand washing technique


Background: Peripheral intravenous cannulation (PIVC) is a first-choice vascular device, commonly performed clinical skill by junior medical doctors and interns in hospital. Improper technique of PIVC can lead to pain, stress, increased chance of infection. Thus, practising the appropriate PIVC technique is vital for interns. This study is conducted to analyse the understanding and necessity for training required to perform accurate PIVC. The objective of this descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to determine and identify the level of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding PIVC among the interns of Mc Gann teaching district hospital, Shivamogga.

Methods: A validated structured questionnaire containing 20 questions regarding PIVC in knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) format was distributed in hand among 109 interns affiliated to this institution. Descriptive statistics were used to illustrate the results in the form of number and percentage. Chi- square and one-way ANOVA was used to analyse the result. SPSS 21.0 was used.

Results: 74% of the participating interns had proper knowledge about the vein commonly used for PIVC. Only 39% of the interns answered that PIVC was an aseptic technique. 108 participants had knowledge about the common complication due to PIVC which is thrombophlebitis. 2/3rd of the interns was supervised on their first PIVC procedure by a nurse. 94.4% of the interns were instructed regarding the hand washing technique during PIVC.

Conclusions: Need for learning module and training programs to ensure the interns have knowledge PIVC technique, complications and management.


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Author Biographies

Vedavathi Hanumaiah, Department of Pharmacology, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India

head of department, department of pharmacology

Eshanu H. Shastry, Department of Pharmacology, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India

department of pharmacology, rank: third year PG resident

Shreenivas Revankar, Department of Pharmacology, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India

associate professor, department of pharmacology


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How to Cite

Hanumaiah, V., Shastry, E. H., & Revankar, S. (2020). Study of knowledge, attitude and practice of peripheral intravenous cannulation among interns at Mc Gann teaching district hospital, Shivamogga: a descriptive cross-sectional study. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 9(8), 1204–1209.



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