A case report of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis due to diclofenac sodium
Diclofenac sodium, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Toxic epidermal necrolysisAbstract
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a severe skin reaction most often triggered by particular drugs in most of the cases. A more severe form of the condition is called toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) which involves more than 30% of the skin surface and extensive damage to the mucous membranes. SJS and TEN previously were thought to be separate conditions, but they are now considered part of a disease spectrum. The main drugs which induce SJS were anti-gout drugs, anti-epileptics, analgesics, NSAIDs and antibiotics. Diclofenac which is a NSAID and phenyl acetic acid derivative that rarely causes SJS. Although diclofenac induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome is reported very rare among adults, it shouldn’t be neglected. In this report we mentioned about the Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) which was later developed into TEN due to usage diclofenac sodium, in a 65 years old female patient.
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