Evaluation of second year MBBS students perceptions and experiences towards tutorials as a teaching-learning method in pharmacology
Tutorials, Small-group teaching methods, Pharmacology, MBBS studentsAbstract
Background: The purpose of teaching is to facilitate effective learning. The commonly used instructional methods in pharmacology include lectures, case studies or clinical pharmacology problems, practicals, and tutorials. The aim of this study was to determine the perceptions and experiences of second-year MBBS students towards tutorials in pharmacology.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out by the department of pharmacology at Kamineni Academy of Medical Sciences and Research Centre (KAMSRC), Hyderabad, Telangana, India. A total of 120 second-year MBBS students were interviewed with a structured questionnaire on tutorials. Responses to questions were expressed as percentage (%) of the total number of participants.
Results: 88% of the learners admitted that it was necessary to have tutorials and only 57% accepted for it to be made mandatory. On being questioned to mention reasons for not attending tutorials, 58% stated that they were not prepared and lazy and 22% learners were afraid of individual questioning. 80% suggested that the teacher and students should mutually decide the topic for tutorials. When asked about the environment during the tutorials, 48% students pointed out that only a few students dominated the tutorials. However, 34% considered that the atmosphere was friendly. On being enquired upon how the tutorial was conducted, 83% noticed that both the teacher and students participated during the tutorial session.
Conclusions: The suggestions based on feedback from learners, should be kept in mind while conducting tutorials to make it fruitful experience for MBBS students.
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