Prospective, randomized, and comparative study of efficacy of ivermectin, benzyl benzoate 25%, permethrin 5% and gamma benzene hexachloride 1% in the treatment of uncomplicated scabies
Scabies, Ivermectin, Benzyl benzoate, Permethrin and gamma benzene hexa chlorideAbstract
Background: Scabies is an infectious and contagious human skin disease. The aim of the study was to study the efficacy and safety of four different treatment modalities in clinically diagnosed cases of scabies of single dose of oral ivermectin and commonly used topical scabicidal agent’s benzyl benzoate 25% (BB), permethrin 5% and gamma benzene hexachloride 1% (GBHC).
Methods: This study was carried out in the Department of Dermatology, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam. 200 patients diagnosed of scabies were included in the study during the period from August 2013 to July 2014. The percentage of improvement was compared between four groups. Intergroup comparison between two groups was done Chi square test.
Results: In the present study a greater number of patients were students (54.5%). Subsidence of lesion and itching with oral ivermectin given as a single dose (200 μg/kg body weight) was 45 (90%) and 44 (88%), with topical permethrin 5% lotion single application 48 (96%), 47 (94%), with topical GBHC 1% lotion 40 (80%) patients, 38 (76%). Topical application of BB lotion 25% was 38 (76%), and 36 (72%) at fourth week.
Conclusions: In the present study permethrin 5% cream was found to be more effective among topical agents. Both BB and GBHC 1% lotion are being inexpensive and they can be used as an alternative treatment in developing country like India.
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