Observational study on the utilization pattern of adjuvant anti-epileptics and their adverse effects


  • Punitha Rangarajan Department of Pharmacology, Govt. Stanley Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Kulandaiammal Moorthy Department of Pharmacology, Govt. Stanley Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Arunan Subbiah Department of Neurology, Govt. Stanley Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India




Epilepsy, Seizure, Anti-epileptic, Adjuvant, Adverse effects


Background: Epilepsy is a disease characterized by an enduring predisposition to generate epileptic seizures. Pharmacological therapy is the cornerstone of treatment of epilepsy. In more than 50% patients seizure not controlled with first-line anti-epileptic drugs so added with adjuvant drugs. Therefore adjuvant anti-epileptic drugs play an important role in preventing seizure remission in known epilepsy patients. Observational study was to evaluate the utilisation pattern of adjuvant anti-epileptic drugs and to assess their clinical correlation and observe the adverse effects of the adjuvant anti-epileptics.

Methods: Eligible 100 patients who attended the neurology outpatient department where enrolled in the study. Demographic data, type of epilepsy, presence or absence of seizure episode (4 months), adjuvant anti-epileptic prescribed along with the first-line drugs and adverse effects were noted. Clinical correlation and rationale for the usage of adjuvant anti-epileptics were assessed. Descriptive statistics used for statistical analysis.

Results: The most common types of seizures were generalised tonic clonic seizures (41%) and complex partial seizures (37%). Most commonly used 1st line drug was phenytoin tablet. Most common adjuvant anti-epileptics used were clonazepam (30), clobazam (24) tablets. Most common adverse effect noted was dizziness (31%).

Conclusions: Tablet clonazepam is effective adjunct for tonic clonic seizures. Clobazam table is recommended as add-on drug for focal and generalised seizures. Adjuvant anti-epileptic drugs decrease seizure remission with fewer tolerable adverse effects.



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How to Cite

Rangarajan, P., Moorthy, K., & Subbiah, A. (2019). Observational study on the utilization pattern of adjuvant anti-epileptics and their adverse effects. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 9(1), 170–174. https://doi.org/10.18203/2319-2003.ijbcp20195781



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