Accidental tramadol ingestion in children admitted in tertiary care centre


  • Vadlakonda Sruthi Department of Pharmacology, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Annaladasu Narendra Department of Paediatrics, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, Telangana, India



Tramadol, Naloxone, Intoxication, Overdose, Intensive care units, Paediatric, Apnea


Background: Tramadol use has been increasing in the adult and pediatric population. Practitioners must be alert because Tramadol misuse can lead to severe intoxication in which respiratory failure and seizures are frequent. Overdoses can lead to death. We report 47 pediatric cases with history of accidental tramadol exposure in children.

Methods: An observational, retrospective, single center case -series of children with a history of accidental tramadol exposure in children admitted in pediatric intensive care unit of tertiary care center, Niloufer Hospital (Osmania Medical College) Hyderabad, Telangana India.

Results: Of 47 children, 22 (47%) are male and 25 (53%) were female. At presentation 11 (23%) had loss of consciousness, 14 (29%) seizures, 17 (36%) hypotonia was noted. Pupils were miotic in 22 (47%) mydriatic in 2 (4.2%) normal in rest of children. Hemodynamic instability noted in 13 (27.6%). Serotonin syndrome (tachycardia, hyperthermia, hypertension, hyper reflex, clonus) was noted on 5 (10.6%) children. Respiratory depression was seen in 4 (8%) children who needed ventilatory support. Antidote Naloxone was given in 7 children. No adverse reaction was noted with Naloxone. All 47 children were successfully discharged.

Conclusions: Overdoses can lead to death and practitioners must be alert because of the increasing use of tramadol in the adult and pediatric population. The handling of the tramadol should be explained to parents and general population and naloxone could be efficient when opioid toxicity signs are present.


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How to Cite

Sruthi, V., & Narendra, A. (2019). Accidental tramadol ingestion in children admitted in tertiary care centre. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 8(12), 2661–2664.



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