A study to evaluate the analgesic activity of Origanum vulgare in mice using tail flick method
Analgesia, Origanum vulgare, Pentazocine, Tail flick methodAbstract
Background: Pain is a complex experience consisting of physiological and psychological response to a noxious stimulus. Analgesics like opiates and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used for relieving pain but are associated with various unwanted side effects; therefore this study was conducted by using Origanum vulgare for their analgesic efficacy.
Methods: In vivo model used was tail flick method. Origanum vulgare (84 mg/kg p.o) was administered in mice. The analgesic activity was studied by recording the reaction time after administration of the drug at frequent intervals up to 3 hours. The results were analysed by ANOVA and Tukey’s test. P-value <0.05 was considered as significant. Pentazocine showed statistically prolongation in the reaction time after 30 min as compared to Origanum vulgare.
Results: In tail flick method, pentazocine showed statistically significant increase in the reaction time after 30 min of administration as compared to control group. However, Origanum vulgare in a dose of 84 mg/kg showed significant increase in the reaction time after 30 min of administration as compared to control group. On comparing pentazocine and Origanum vulgare, pentazocine showed highly significant increase in the reaction time after 30 min as compared to Origanum vulgare at 84 mg/kg dose.
Conclusions: From the present study, it was concluded that extract of Origanum vulgare exerted analgesic activity in both the models. However, it was less potent than pentazocine. Thus, Origanum vulgare can be used in mild to moderate painful conditions.
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