Modified tutorials in Pharmacology for Medical students using case based learning and multiple choice questions


  • Sowmya Kaniganti Department of Pharmacology, Dr. Pinnamaneni Sidhartha Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Foundation, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Nachiket Shankar Department of Anatomy, St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Satya Kishore Chivukula Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Pinnamaneni Sidhartha Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Foundation, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India



Case based learning, MCQ, Pharmacology, Tutorials


Background: Active student centred learning is the need of the hour. Objectives being to compare the difference in the post test scores between students exposed to Case based learning (CBL) and Multiple choice questions (MCQ) (learning tool) during tutorials in Pharmacology for 2nd MBBS students. To understand the perception of students regarding teaching learning tools used in the study.

Methods: This was a mixed methods study. Sixty eight students were divided into 2 groups. Hypertension and angina was discussed as CBL for Group 1 and as MCQ (Learning tool) for Group 2. One week later, cross over was done, Thyroid and Diabetes was discussed as MCQ for Group 1 and as CBL for Group 2. Post-test MCQ, pre validated questions (Likert scale) and open ended questions (qualitative) were distributed. Statistical Analysis: Difference in the post test scores in both the groups was analyzed using independent sample t test.

Results: There was no significant difference in post test scores between CBL and MCQ groups. Questionnaire analysis suggested that both the methods provoked self-learning (45%). Thematic analysis demonstrated the positive experiences like motivated self-learning, clinical application, better understanding than theory classes and drawbacks being time consuming and fear of presentation.

Conclusions: Since the study included both qualitative and quantitative analysis, the results can be elucidated comprehensively. This study implies that CBL and MCQ are effective and can be implemented into the curriculum of Pharmacology. This study can serve as an evidence to incorporate these tools in the curriculum.


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How to Cite

Kaniganti, S., Shankar, N., & Chivukula, S. K. (2019). Modified tutorials in Pharmacology for Medical students using case based learning and multiple choice questions. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 8(6), 1243–1247.



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