Patterns of acne prescriptions: a study in a tertiary care unit


  • Donepudi Pavan Kumar Department of Pharmacology, NRI Medical College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India



Acne vulgaris, Dermatological disorder, Prescriptions


Background: Acne vulgaris is one of the most common dermatological disorder affecting the pilo sebaceous glands resulting in their blockage or inflammation. Symptoms of acne may include local erythema and tenderness and pain. Medication include benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, nicotinamide, azelaic acid, anti-seborrheic medications, hormonal treatment, anti-androgen medications and keratolytic soaps.

Methods: About 166 patients who were treated for acne vulgaris were included into the study after taking the informed consent from the patients. This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. The demographic details of the patients with regards to their, age sex, weight, BMI were taken. The acne was medically diagnosed, and the grade was assessed.

Results: Out of the 166 patients included into the study, 92 (55%) were females while 74 (45%) were males and the mean age was 25.4±1.6 of the patients belonged to the middle class. Of the patients, most of them were adolescents or less than 25 years of age (54.2%). 64 of the patients were between 26-45 years while only 12 were >45 years of age. A total of 521 drugs were prescribed. Of them, 37.6% were through the oral route and 62.4% were topical the most common prescribed drugs were antimicrobials, both topical and oral.

Conclusions: The multidrug prescription in most of the cases can be rationalized if a drug monitoring system can be effectively put into place. This would not only reduce the number of drugs per prescription but also the cost of treatment.


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How to Cite

Kumar, D. P. (2019). Patterns of acne prescriptions: a study in a tertiary care unit. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 8(7), 1554–1558.



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