Antibiotics prescribing habits: an evaluation of dental practitioners in Manipur, North east India
Anitbiotics, Prescription pattern, Dental practitioners, North East India, ManipurAbstract
Background: Dental practitioners need to be thoroughly aware of the clinical indications for antibiotic prescription in order to prevent the insult of these medicaments. The aim of this study was to determine the pattern of antibiotic prescriptions among oral healthcare providers in Manipur, North East India. Multitude of studies has been conducted in various parts of the world and in India however, this is the first in the North east region of India and in Manipur.
Methods: It was a questionnaire based study with the inclusion of types, dosage, clinical situations and medical situations when antibiotics were prescribed by active dental practitioners.
Results: Antibiotic most commonly prescribed among individuals with no medical allergies was amoxicillin + clavulanic acid. 625 mg (72%) while in case of allergy azithromycin (48%) was the preferred choice. Antibiotics were prescribed in a vast majority of acute and chronic conditions. The analysis of the clinical scenarios for therapeutic prescriptions by dentists also proved to be considerably high and unnecessary.
Conclusions: The present study determined that the pattern of antibiotic prescription among oral healthcare providers in Manipur, North east India was extremely high.
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