Prospective study on prescribing pattern of antihypertensive drugs at a tertiary care hospital
Antihypertensives, Drug utilization, Hypertension, Prescription patternAbstract
Background: Hypertension is the leading non-communicable disease risk attributing to cardio vascular morbidity and mortality. Various reasons are socio-economic, behavioural, sedentary life style, nutritional, age, obesity and poor health maintenance. A wide range of antihypertensive drugs belonging to different pharmacological classes are available alone or in combinations. Present study was done to evaluate the prescribing pattern of antihypertensive drugs at a tertiary care hospital.
Methods: A prospective, observational, non-interventional, hospital-based study was carried out in hypertensive patients attending outpatient department of General Medicine at Medical College Hospital attached to Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Ballari. Data was collected from outpatient slip of patients in a predesigned case record form, which was analysed using descriptive statistics.
Results: Among 200 patients analysed 95 (47.5%) were males and 105 (52.5%) were females, with maximum number of patients falling in the age group 61-70years. Among antihypertensives prescribed, amlodipine (78.5%) was most frequently prescribed drug. Frequently used drugs for monotherapy - amlodipine (37.5%), for two drug therapy - amlodipine + atenolol (25.5%), and for three drug therapy - amlodipine + atenolol + telmisartan (2.5%). WHO prescribing indicators: Average number of drugs per encounter is 2.38 (±1.19). Percentage of drugs prescribed by generic name is 76.47%. Percentage of drugs prescribed from essential drug list is 97.89%.
Conclusions: Present study shows current trends in prescription of antihypertensives in tertiary care hospital and their rational use. Study emphasizes need for preventive and educative measures about hypertension in population.
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