A comparative study of efficacy and tolerability of doxofylline over other methylxanthenes in mild to moderate persistent bronchial asthma patients in a tertiary care hospital
Bronchial asthma, Doxofylline, Efficacy, Methylxanthines, TolerabilityAbstract
Background: Studies have shown that doxofylline is endowed with a remarkable bronchodilator activity with less extra respiratory effects than other methylxanthines. To compare the efficacy and tolerability of doxofylline over other methylxanthines in mild to moderate persistent bronchial Asthma patients.
Methods: It is a comparative study conducted in patients of mild to moderate persistent bronchial Asthma in the outpatient department of regional chest hospital. The subjects were randomly assigned into 2 groups, one group treated with oral doxofylline and the other with theophylline oral or Deriphylline. Efficacy was measured objectively using spirometric parameters like FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume at the end of 1 second), FVC (Forced Vital Capacity), FEV1/FVC and PEFR (Peak Expiratory flow Rate), Subjectively by the Asthma control test questionnaire, subjective rating of Asthma control and the need for use of rescue medications like β2 agonists in the previous four weeks. Tolerability were done at base line and at the end of study.
Results: Doxofylline compared to other methylxanthines groups was statistically better with respect to subjective parameters like Asthma control tests questionnaire, subjective rating of Asthma control. Doxofylline had equal efficacy with spirometric parameters compared to other methylxanthines. Doxofylline was significantly better tolerated with adverse drug reactions noted in 10% compared to 28% in other methylxanthins group.
Conclusions: Doxofylline with better tolerability profile and equivalent efficacy seemed to be a good alternative to other methylxanthines in the treatment of bronchial Asthma.
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