Collection and analysis of adverse drug reactions of antiretroviral therapy in a tertiary care hospital in central India


  • Sandeep Kumar Adwal Department of Pharmacology, R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • B. L. Bamboria Department of Medicine, R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Ashutosh Chourishi Department of Pharmacology, R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Aditya Bamboria Department of Medicine, R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India



Adverse drug reaction, Antiretroviral therapy, AIDS, HIV, WHO


Background: The main objective of study is to monitor and analyze the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of ART and to assess causality and severity of the ADRs detected.

Methods: It is a prospective observational study conducted in the ART centre of a tertiary care teaching hospital in central India. The data collected were recorded on standard ADR reporting forms. Causality was assessed by Naranjo’s algorithm. Severity of ADR’s was assessed by modified Hartwig and Seigel scale. Modified Shumock and Thorton criteria used for preventability assessment.

Results: In twelve months duration 351 patients on ART were observed for ADRs. Total 166 ADRs detected in 96 patients. Incidence of ADRs was slightly more in female. The common systems involved were gastrointestinal 42.77% followed by nervous system 18.07%, musculoskeletal 15.06% skin/mucous membrane 07.83%, metabolic and nutritional 04.82%, red blood cell disorders 01.20 %, endocrinal 00.60 % and others 09.64%. The causality assessment as per Naranjo’s scale showed that out of 166 ADRs, 28.92% were probable and 71.08% were possible. Severity assessment by modified Hartwig and Siegel scale showed that 83.34% ADRs were mild and 15.66% were moderate. 46.39 % ADRs were probably preventable.

Conclusions: Considering the magnitude of ADR related problems, there is a need for greater awareness among health care professionals, to detect and report them. These ADRs if recognized in time and managed properly can prevent treatment interruption.


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Author Biography

B. L. Bamboria, Department of Medicine, R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India




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How to Cite

Adwal, S. K., Bamboria, B. L., Chourishi, A., & Bamboria, A. (2018). Collection and analysis of adverse drug reactions of antiretroviral therapy in a tertiary care hospital in central India. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 7(7), 1326–1332.



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