Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practice among the post graduate students of dentistry and physiotherapy towards adverse drug reactions reporting and pharmacovigilance at a tertiary care centre at Indore, India


  • Gopal Gudsurkar Department of Pharmacology, Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College and Hospital, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
  • Vikalp Tiwari Department of Pharmacology, MGM Medical College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Pooja Solanki Mishra Department of Pharmacology, MGM Medical College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India



ADRs, Dentists, Pharmacovigilance, Physiotherapist


Background: Pharmacovigilance knowledge and training in post graduate student doctors is key factor for proper implementation of PvPI. Often the dentists and physiotherapists who are also one of the main stakeholders for ADR reporting are neglected for training and knowledge regarding pharmacovigilance. This study was planned to evaluate the knowledge and awareness of pharmacovigilance in post graduate students in tertiary care centre in Indore.

Methods: It was a single point cross sectional questionnaire-based study conducted in a tertiary care Institute MGM Medical College and M.Y. Hospital in the state of Madhya Pradesh at Indore. It was conducted among post graduate student doctors from dentistry and physiotherapy. Total of 55 questionnaires were distributed, 50 of them were returned back and were analysed.

Results: Overall knowledge level was average. 90% knew about ADR while 80% were aware about PVPI. 10% knew about local AMC at Indore while only 04% knew global centre for Pharmacovigilance is at Sweden Uppsala. 88% thought Med watch as global database for ADR against only 12% knew its Vigibase. 90% thought ADR reporting is necessary. 96% thought it should be included in UG curriculum. 98% had not reported any ADR till date while 84% had not seen an ADR form.

Conclusions: Post graduate doctors are the prime candidates to impart the importance of pharmacovigilance. The study strongly suggested that there was a great need to create awareness and impart training among the post graduate doctors to improve the reporting of ADRs.


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How to Cite

Gudsurkar, G., Tiwari, V., & Solanki Mishra, P. (2018). Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practice among the post graduate students of dentistry and physiotherapy towards adverse drug reactions reporting and pharmacovigilance at a tertiary care centre at Indore, India. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 7(4), 626–630.



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