Drug usage pattern of anti-hypertensive drugs in elderly diabetic, hypertensive in-patients with or without impaired renal function in a tertiary care hospital
Drug utilisation study, diabetes mellitus, elderly, hypertension, renal functionAbstract
Background: Hypertension (HTN) and Diabetes mellitus (DM) are the leading contributors to the cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. Drug utilisation studies (DUS) are potential tools in the evaluation in health care systems. Objectives was to analyse the drug usage pattern of anti-hypertensives in elderly hypertensive diabetic in-patients in a tertiary hospital. To analyse drug usage pattern of anti-hypertensives in elderly hypertensive, diabetic in-patients with renal impairment in a tertiary hospital.
Methods: The study population consisted of 165 hypertensive diabetic in-patients at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara (SDM) Hospital. Questionnaire based study was conducted and prescriptions of patient with HTN and DM at and above the age of 60 years irrespective of gender were included.
Results: Our study revealed that angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) were the most commonly prescribed (42.4%) class of anti-hypertensive drugs. In patients with impaired renal function also ARBs were the most common class prescribed (22.0%). Out of 35 anti-hypertensive fixed drug combinations (FDCs) prescribed the most frequent combination was combination with an ARBs (85.7%). There was a significant increase in the number of anti-hypertensive drugs prescribed in patients with impaired renal function when compared to patients without impaired renal function (p <0.05). The cost index was high, and the percentage cost variation was more than 100% in most of the anti-hypertensive drugs prescribed.
Conclusions: This study shows that the most commonly prescribed anti-hypertensive drug class was ARBs in patients with and in patients without impaired renal function.
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