Student’s perception about teaching methodologies used in pharmacology: a questionnaire based cross sectional study
Feedback, Learning, Perceptions, PharmacologyAbstract
Background: Pharmacology is one of the most clinically applied subjects which are highly volatile. Hence new methodologies have to be introduced in medical curriculum which must be in line with the students’ preferences. The study aimed to determine the opinion of students regarding the teaching of pharmacology, the best way of knowing and retaining the subject and application of the subject in future practice.
Methods: The study will be conducted at private Medical college in Mangalore. It is an observational, KAP cross-sectional questionnaire-based study. Convenient sampling method is used in which 140 Second year MBBS students were enrolled. SPSS version 21 was used to generate tables and graphs. Results of the study are based on descriptive statistics.
Results: Questions which were not answered were taken as invalid response. Results show that majority preferred newer learning methodology, case-based learning, integrated teaching were more appealing, and peer associated teaching like group discussion was better for applied topics. Attitude of students in learning has shifted from traditional text book to the recent concept of knowledge sharing.
Conclusions: In general students’ perceptions regarding learning pharmacology was observed to be positive. The study highlights the need for interactive teaching. Practical sessions can be used to teach basic concepts and rational use of drugs. Knowledge seeking behaviour needs improvisation by teacher.
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