Assessment on antinociceptive actions of soluble fractions derived from edible mollusc (Bellamya bengalensis Lam.)
Analgesic, Bellamya bengalensis, Eddy’s hot plate, Mice, MolluscAbstract
Background: Bellamya bengalensis, an edible bivalve mollusc is traditionally used in the treatment of joint pain, bone fracture, jaundice and eye infections. Present study was designed to find out the most potent analgesic fractions derived from the body mass of Bellamya bengalensis.
Methods: The test specimen was collected, identified and fractionated with solvent medium like, phosphate buffer saline (PB), ethyl acetate (EB), methanol (MB) and chloroform (CB). Protein concentration of each fraction was determined. The antinociceptive activities were measured either by thermal models like, hot plate and tail immersion (central analgesic action) or by chemical model like acetic acid induced writhing (peripheral analgesic action) in mice. Diclofenac sodium was used as analgesic standard.
Results: Significant peripheral and central analgesic activity showed by phosphate buffer saline fraction at 100mg/kg, even better than diclofenac standard at 10mg/kg. In hot plate and tail immersion tests, phosphate buffer saline showed the highest activity followed by methanol, chloroform and ethyl acetate fraction respectively. However, in case of peripheral analgesic experiment, phosphate buffer fraction exhibited maximum writhing inhibitory properties and that was followed by chloroform, methanol and ethyl acetate fraction respectively.
Conclusions: Phosphate buffer saline fraction of Bellamya bengalensis showed maximum potential central and peripheral analgesic activity than any other fractions.
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