To study the prescriptions of the bed-head tickets of inpatients of the selected depts. of JNIMS hospital about the appropriateness of the prescriptions in geriatric patients
Comorbidities, Discharge slips, Geriatrics, Inappropriateness, Polypharmacy, PrescriptionAbstract
Background: Polypharmacy is an increasing problem among the health care providers. This happened during the management of old age people with much comorbidity and weak functioning of the vital organs like heart, lungs and kidneys, etc. Over and above this, self-medication and adverse drug effects of using many drugs are the causes of polypharmacy. Age 65 years or above is considered as Geriatric.
Methods: 550 case sheets or Bed head tickets of the inpatients of selected departments were examined for a period of three months. 434 bed head tickets having discharge slips with written prescriptions of 5 or more drugs were re-examined as it fulfilled the criteria of Polypharmacy or inappropriate prescriptions. Demographic data, clinical and drug history were recorded in the prepared data sheet. These data were studied as per guidelines of the tools-Beer’s criteria, STOPP criteria, START criteria, MAI criteria.
Results: Accordingly, the reasons for polypharmacy and inappropriate prescriptions were elicited. The common drugs mostly prescribed are antibiotics and NSAIDs preparations. The status of polypharmacy or inappropriate prescription were more in the age group of 65-75 years and also mainly among the male geriatric patients. The maximum number of comorbidity was observed in the age group 65-75 years.
Conclusions: As per the criteria of the tools, the number of overprescribing was 70 (19.15%), inappropriate prescription as 17 (4.6%). For prevention and decreasing the incidence of polypharmacy or inappropriate prescriptions, the tools (Beer’s criteria, STOPP criteria, START criteria, MAI criteria) are nowadays put forward to the prescriber as a guideline of good and appropriate prescription. Therefore, the present study can find out the status of prescription i.e. under-prescription, over-prescription, avoid prescription and inappropriate prescription. Hence, the study can draw the attention of the prescribers before and during prescribing drugs to the patients particularly old age patients.
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