Longitudinal study of self-medication practices in 2nd year MBBS students through their internship


  • Shreyas R. Burute Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Miraj, Maharashtra, India
  • Smita L. Gaidhankar Department of Pharmacology, RCSM, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • Praveeenkumar T. Patil Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Miraj, Maharashtra, India
  • Mangala B. Murthy Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Miraj, Maharashtra, India
  • Sunita J. Ramanand Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Miraj, Maharashtra, India
  • Shraddha M. Pore Department of Pharmacology, GMC, Miraj, Maharashtra, India




Adverse drug reactions, Medical students, Self-medication


Background: Self-medication is common in medical students but few studies address the concern regarding knowledge of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) among them. None of the study compares the practice of self-medication among the same medical students as their level of education increases. Hence the study was planned to compare the pattern, source, reason of self- medication and assess the level of awareness about potential ADRs to the consumed drugs in medical students during second year through their internship.

Methods: It was a longitudinal cross sectional questionnaire-based study conducted among under graduate second year MBBS students of a medical college and repeated during their internship few years later in order to avoid variability in questionnaire. Chi-square and Fischer’s exact test were used for testing statistical significance. p value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.

Results: 80 students were present on the day of study during their IInd MBBS and 73 students during their internship. Comparatively more students self-medicated during their internship than during their IInd MBBS (68% vs 55%). Analgesics (56.8% and 80%) were most commonly used. 35(70%) of interns were aware of potential ADRs and was statistically very significant in comparison to their awareness during IInd MBBS [9(20.45%)]. Interns rely more on themselves (96%) for self-medication.

Conclusions: The practice of self-medication begins early in the career of medical students and is carried forward into their future. Hence it is imperative to educate students regarding responsible self- medication very early in their curriculum.


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How to Cite

Burute, S. R., Gaidhankar, S. L., Patil, P. T., Murthy, M. B., Ramanand, S. J., & Pore, S. M. (2017). Longitudinal study of self-medication practices in 2nd year MBBS students through their internship. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 6(8), 2056–2061. https://doi.org/10.18203/2319-2003.ijbcp20173296



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