Knowledge and practice of antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis among dental students


  • Sharanabasappa Singanal Department of Pharmacology, MR Medical College, Kalabuargi, Karnataka, India
  • Anand R. Kanaki Department of Pharmacology, MR Medical College, Kalabuargi, Karnataka, India
  • Bindushree A. R. Department of Periodontics, AECS Maaruti college of Dental sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India



Infective endocarditis, Knowledge, Prophylaxis


Background: Infective endocarditis (IE) is a microbial infection of the valves and endocardium of the heart. IE is difficult to treat and has a poor prognosis. Dentists play a major role in preventing IE in susceptible patients. In this study, we evaluate knowledge and practice of antibiotic prophylaxis for IE among dental students, interns and PGs at S. N. Dental College, Kalaburagi.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was done by survey using questionnaire. Questionnaire was distributed to 159 dental students, interns and PGs at S. N. Dental College, Kalaburagi. Questionnaire included questions regarding to demographic information and knowledge and practice of the participants about antibiotic prophylaxis for IE.

Results: Out of 159 participants 135 provided the response, giving a response rate of 85%. Overall, average of 52.7% of the participants had a good level of knowledge regarding the cardiac conditions that require antibiotic prophylaxis. Participants also had better knowledge regarding dental procedures that require prophylaxis with an average of 75.7%. But only 37.2% prescribed correct drug, dosage and regime of antibiotic prophylaxis.

Conclusions: The level of knowledge and practice about antibiotics prophylaxis of IE amongst dental students, interns and PGs at the study site was not at an acceptable level. Awareness is essential because of the cardiac risks associated with the lack of appropriate prophylaxis. Up-to-date and accurate knowledge is mandatory for all dental students, interns and PGs who see and treat patients on a daily basis. This study emphasized the need for continuous education and for formal inclusion of the guidelines in the student’s curriculum.


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How to Cite

Singanal, S., Kanaki, A. R., & R., B. A. (2017). Knowledge and practice of antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis among dental students. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 6(9), 2167–2171.



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