Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Murraya Koenigii leaves extract against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in Rats
Antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, Murraya koenigii, Paracetamol, SilymarinAbstract
Background: Many pharmacological substances are known to cause hepatic injuries and paracetamol is one out of them. This study was carried out to investigate the hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Murraya koenigii leaves in paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in Rats.
Methods: Experimental animal used in this study were 30 healthy male albino Wistar rats of 10 to 12 wks weighing 180 ± 20 g. After acclimatization for a period of one week, the rats were randomized into five groups of six rats each. Safety profile and dose selection of extract was evaluated using acute toxicity studies. Five groups named as Normal control, Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity, Murraya koenigii leaves extract 100 mg/kg bw, Murraya koenigii leaves extract 200 mg/kg bw and Silymarin group respectively. The doses of drugs and plant extract was calculated based on the body weight of each animal and administered orally for 7 days. On 8th day rats were sacrificed and blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture for biochemical estimation of biochemical parameters. Then abdomen was opened to get liver sample for antioxidant activity and histopathology.
Results: Acute toxicity studies showed the non-toxic nature of Murraya koenigii leaves extract upto dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight. Murraya koenigii leaves extract in both doses showed a significant drop in the mean levels of AST, ALT, ALP, TP and TB when compared with toxic control group. The higher dose was found better than lower dose. Silymarin was found better than both the doses. Murraya koenigii leaves extract in both doses significantly reduced the TBARS level when compared to toxic control group. The activities of GSH, SOD and CAT in liver were significantly lower in Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity rats compared to control rats. Murraya koenigii leaves extract at both doses showed a significant increase in GSH, SOD and CAT. The higher dose was found better than lower dose. Silymarin was found better than both the doses. Histopathology of Liver biopsy with higher dose of Murraya koenigii leaves extract showed reduced periportal inflammation with mild hepatic venous congestion and Silymarin treated rats showed no periportal inflammation with mild congestion in few central veins.
Conclusions: Murraya koenigii leaves extract possesses significant Hepatoprotective property; this may be due to antioxidant activity. Further studies are required to determine the exact mechanism.
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