Pre- & post- bronchodilator pulmonary function test in Indian females: a survey in and around Jaipur


  • Seema Rawat Department of Physiology, Jodhpur Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
  • Rakesh R. Pathak Department of Pharmacology, C U Shah Medical College, Surendranagar, Gujarat, India
  • Virendra Singh Division of Allergy and Pulmonary Medicine, SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


Biomass fuel, Indian female, Urban, Rural, FEV1, FVC


Background: Nonsmoker COPD in people is a continued point of concern. Recent standards prescribe that spirometry should be population specific, recent origin and methodically derived (prescribed by GOLD) with influencing factors specified – which this study aims to do.

Methods: From a random sample of 4,500 adults, subjects were invited into study through a 16 point questionnaire. After inclusion/ exclusion criteria applied to 3,733 total responders, 244 rural and 240 urban healthy non-smoker females were enrolled. Spirometry with reproducibility testing before and after bronchodilator (salbutamol) was done as per GOLD prescription. As normality of distribution was disproved, non-parametric methods were used in statistics.

Results: Mean FEV1 and FVC were 2.25 and 2.69 liters respectively in rural females, while it was 2.06 and 2.44 liters in urban females. Post-bronchodilator (after 0.3 mg salbutamol) values in rural females were 2.32 and 2.70 liters respectively while the same were 2.13 and 2.45 liters in urban cases.

Conclusion: PFT of rural females resulted better on FEV1 and FVC, pre as well as post-bronchodilator. Possibly biomass fuel exposure in the rural females might not be causing a generalized decrease in PFT parameters or urban chemical pollution which might have more than counterbalanced in urban side. 


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How to Cite

Rawat, S., Pathak, R. R., & Singh, V. (2017). Pre- & post- bronchodilator pulmonary function test in Indian females: a survey in and around Jaipur. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 2(5), 583–589. Retrieved from



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