Drug utilization pattern in OPD of government dental college and hospital, Aurangabad
OPD, Dental, Prescription analysisAbstract
Background: To study drug prescription pattern in dental OPD of Government Dental College and Hospital.
Methods: 100 prescriptions were screened & analyzed as per the study parameters from OPD of Government Dental College & Hospital, Aurangabad. Groups of drugs commonly prescribed, like antibiotic, analgesics & others prescription were recorded.
Results: Most common groups of drugs prescribed by dental surgeons were NSAIDs, antimicrobials, antiseptics and multivitamins. NSAIDs- 86%; Antimicrobials- 85%; Antiseptics- 8.6%; Multivitamins- 12.3%. The average number of drugs prescribed per patient was 3 and the average number of antimicrobial prescribed per patient was 1.
Conclusions: For rational prescribing of drugs there is a need of mass-awareness amongst dental surgeons about the good prescribing by following 6 steps of WHO program on rational use of drugs.
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