A study to determine the knowledge and level of awareness of medical undergraduates about herbal medicines and herb-drug interactions
Allopathic medicine, Herbal medicines, Herb-drug interactions, Medical curriculum, Pharmacology practicalAbstract
Background: The increasing usage of herbal medicines worldwide has increased the probability of co-administration of herbal and allopathic medicines. This may lead to serious safety concerns, including herb-drug interactions (HDIs). Many HDIs may be overlooked due to poor doctor-patient communication about herbal drug usage probably because of lack of knowledge of herbal medicines and HDIs among physicians. The study was thus planned to identify the knowledge and awareness of medical students regarding the use of herbal medicines and about HDIs, to help improve the teaching skills and curriculum development for medical students.
Methods: 286 medical students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year MBBS course completed the study. All the participants were asked to fill a self-administered questionnaire consisting of 15 questions which included both open-ended and close-ended questions related to age, sex, knowledge, awareness and usage of herbal medicines and about herb-drug interactions. Data was analyzed and expressed as counts and percentages.
Results: Majority (95.45%) of the students were aware of the fact that herbs can be used as medicines. They were most familiar with the herbs tulsi, neem, turmeric, aloe, ashwagandha and ginger. 46.85% consider herbal medicines to be risk free, and majority (55.6%) were not aware of the fact that herbs can cause herb-drug interactions. Media and elderly family members were their most common sources of information regarding herbal medicines. Majority (75.17%) would prefer allopathic medicines over herbal medicines. Only 23.07% always informed the physician about their usage of herbal medicines, although most (84.96%) felt that history regarding use of herbal medicines should be taken. Majority were not aware of the regulatory status of herbal medicines.
Conclusions: Lack of knowledge and awareness of medical students about herbal medicines and herb-drug interactions was seen in the study. There is a need to inform the students of allopathic system of medicine about the adverse outcomes of herbal medicines and the knowledge about herb-drug interactions should be a part of the medical curriculum.
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