Cost analysis study of price variation among the various brands of antiepileptics available in India


  • Nagaraja Prasad Sai Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
  • Vedavathi H. Professor and HOD, Department of Pharmacology, Shivamogga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India



Cost analysis, antiepileptics, Percentage cost variation, Pharmacoeconomics


Background: One of the major cost that the patient has to bear during therapy is medication cost Different brands of the same mediations are available leading to considerable price variation. This can affect medication compliance by the patient. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the variation in costs of antiepileptic’s available in India.

Methods: Cost of all antiepileptics (tablets/capsules) available in India was obtained from CIMS July to Oct 2016 and from IDR Vol XXII issue No 3, 2016. The percentage cos ratio and percentage variation in cost were calculated and compared.

Results: The highest cost ratio and percentage price variation was found with carbamazepine 200mg (1:12 and 1100) followed by acetazolamide 250mg (1:11.38 and 1037.68). Other significant cost variations (>100%) were seen with carbamazepine 100mg, phenobarbital 30mg, divalproex sodium 25mg, lorazepam 1mg, clonazepam 1mg and valproic acid 500mg. Lowest percentage cost variation was seen with oxcarbazepine 450mg (1.09), lacosamide 50mg (2.56), pregabalin 50mg (3.51) and zonisamide 50mg (4.21).

Conclusions: The Government of India regulates prices of essential drugs through Drug Price Control Order (DPCO) and this is implemented by National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy (NPPA). However nearly 80% of medications donot fall into this category. This leads to considerable economic burden on poor patients. There is still considerable price difference among various brands of antiepileptic available in India. The Government of India should take a firm decision and implement them with regard to pricing of medications so as to make them more affordable, especially for diseases which require long term treatment such as epilepsy.


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How to Cite

Sai, N. P., & H., V. (2017). Cost analysis study of price variation among the various brands of antiepileptics available in India. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 6(2), 422–426.



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