Prelabour rupture of membranes at term prospective study of expectant management versus induction of labour


  • Vijay Zutshi Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, VMMC and SJH, New Delhi, India
  • Sumitra Bachani Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, VMMC and SJH, New Delhi, India
  • Sakshi Goel Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, VMMC and SJH, New Delhi, India
  • Renu Arora Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, VMMC and SJH, New Delhi, India
  • Sana Tiwari Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, VMMC and SJH, New Delhi, India



Premature rupture of membranes, Expectant management, Induction, Obstetric outcome, Neonatal outcome


Background: Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) complicates 5-10 % of pregnancies. Approximately 60-70 % of term PROM cases are followed by the onset of labor within 24 hours. Diagnosis and proper management is very important. In spite of many studies available in the literature, the clinical management is surprisingly controversial.

Methods: Study conducted was prospective randomised controlled trial. Total 150 women were selected fulfilling the inclusion criteria, randomly allotted to the 3 groups. In group A, patients were observed for 24 hours. If labor didn’t supervene in 24 hours since admission, induction of labor was done depending on the bishop’s score. In the group B, labour was induced by vaginal misoprostol 25 micrograms given 4 hourly for 4 doses and in group C, labor was induced by instillation of 0.5mg PGE2 gel in the posterior fornix. The women were observed for onset and progress of labour. Failure of induction was considered if patient was not in established labour within 24 hours of instillation of first dose of cerviprime/misoprostol. Labour was monitored and managed as per hospital protocol. The analysis verified the following variables: duration of latent phase and active phase of labour, mode of delivery (spontaneous/vaccum/forceps/LSCS), third stage complications (PPH/fever/retained placenta), neonatal outcome.

Results: Thirty percent women had onset of spontaneous labor during expectant management in group A. The durations of latent phase and active phase of labour were lower in group B and C than group A (9 and 10.4 versus 15 hours; p<0.001) and (4 and 6 versus10 hours; p<0.001), respectively. Immediate induction in group B and C resulted in significantly lower rate of caesarean section (17% and 19% versus 28.5%, P= 0.049) and operative vaginal delivery (5% and 3% versus 13%, P=0.007). Only a few maternal-neonatal infections occurred and no significant difference was noted (2.7% and 3% versus 3.5%, P= 0.71).

Conclusions: Immediate induction with prostaglandin shortens the delivery interval and lowers the caesarean section rate as compared to expectant management; however the neonatal outcome is similar in the three groups.


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How to Cite

Zutshi, V., Bachani, S., Goel, S., Arora, R., & Tiwari, S. (2017). Prelabour rupture of membranes at term prospective study of expectant management versus induction of labour. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 5(4), 1408–1412.



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