Prescribing patterns of cardiovascular drugs in cardiology outpatient department in a tertiary care hospital in Western Odisha


  • Ayan Roy Department of Pharmacology, VIMSAR, Odisha, India
  • Nayan Kumar Patel Department of Cardiology, VIMSAR, Odisha, India



Prescription auditing, Rational drug use, Drug utilization study, Cardiology outpatient department, Prescribing indicators WHO


Background: Cardiovascular morbidity plays a villainous role globally as well as countries like India. Additionally, irrational prescription incurs greater damage to health and wellbeing. Drug utilization studies scrutinize the appropriateness of treatment and provide favorable feedbacks to strengthen clinical practices. The objective of the study was to describe treatment practices in cardiology outpatient and drug utilization pattern using core prescribing indicators by World Health Organization (WHO).

Methods: A cross-sectional, observational study of 4-month duration was undertaken for cardiology Outdoor patients at a tertiary care hospital. 615 prescriptions were screened and analyzed.

Results: Males (59.84%) were more in number than females (40.16%). Average number of the prescribed drugs per patient were 4.32±2.7 and (3.73±1.1 for cardiovascular drugs). Generic prescription was 60.98%. Percentage encounters with antibiotics 4.11, injectables 2.92%, fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) (11.8%) were documented. Drugs from the National List of Essential Medicines were 75.89%. The most common diagnosis was ischemic heart disease (68.29%). Hypolipidemics (78.25%) followed by antiplatelets (71.14%) were toppers in cardiovascular drug. Antiulcer drugs (PPI/Antacids) comprised 58.54% of total prescriptions.

Conclusions: Less adherence to EDL, less generic prescriptions, use of FDC are major shortcomings. Areas to further rationalization like optimal use of evidence based medication like beta-blockers, newer anticoagulants/anti-platelet agents and newer anti-anginal agents are identified.


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Author Biographies

Ayan Roy, Department of Pharmacology, VIMSAR, Odisha, India

PG student

Nayan Kumar Patel, Department of Cardiology, VIMSAR, Odisha, India

assistant professor,cardiology


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How to Cite

Roy, A., & Patel, N. K. (2020). Prescribing patterns of cardiovascular drugs in cardiology outpatient department in a tertiary care hospital in Western Odisha. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 10(1), 23–28.



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