Drug utilization study in medicine intensive care unit in tertiary care hospital


  • Siddharth Suryakant Athawale Department of Pharmacology, Govt. Medical College Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
  • Madhuri D. Kulkarni Department of Pharmacology, Govt. Medical College Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India




Drug utilization, Medicine intensive care unit, Antibiotics


Background: The medical intensive care unit (MICU) is a setting were patients who are critically ill are admitted and thus usually receive a large number of drugs of different pharmacological classes due to life threatening illnesses which may be fatal. The various drugs used in MICU and there clinical outcome was investigated in this study.

Methods: Patients admitted between January 2017 to June 2018 in Medicine ICU of GMC Aurangabad were included in this study.

Results: Total of 351 prescriptions was analyzed from the medicine intensive care unit. Out of 351 patients 243 (69.23%) were male, while 108 (30.77%) were female. The mean age of the patients admitted in MICU was 42.78±18.14 years. The most common type of patients admitted in MICU have the diagnosis of organophosphorous poisoning (25.36%), followed by cerebrovascular accident (15.95%), pneumonitis (10.26%), snake bite (7.12%), chronic kidney disease (5.98%), diabetic ketoacidosis (5.70%) and seizure disorder (3.42%). The most common drugs used were ranitidine (99.71%) and ondansetron (99.43%). Among antibiotics cephalosporins were most commonly used, ceftriaxone (39.03%), cefotaxim (40.46%), cefoperazone and sulbactum (24.22%). Other antibiotics most commonly used were metronidazole (61.25%), amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate (26.78%), piperacillin and tazobactum (11.68%), meropenem (11.40%).

Conclusions: In conclusion, we found that in MICU utilization rate of gastroprotective (ranitidine), antiemetic (ondansetron) and antibiotics (cephalosporins) was high. The present study provides valuable insight about the overall pattern of drugs used in medicine intensive care unit.


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How to Cite

Athawale, S. S., & Kulkarni, M. D. (2019). Drug utilization study in medicine intensive care unit in tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 9(1), 151–157. https://doi.org/10.18203/2319-2003.ijbcp20195778



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