Effect of fixed dose combinations of different α1-blockers with dutasteride on quality of life in patients of lower urinary tract symptoms with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Dutasteride, Fixed dose combinations, Lower urinary tract symptoms, Quality of life, α1-blockersAbstract
Background: Fixed dose combination (FDC’s) of α1-blockers and 5α-reductase inhibitors have commonly been used in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This study compared the effect of FDC’s of tamsulosin, alfuzosin and silodosin with dutasteride on quality of life (QoL) in patients of LUTS with BPH.
Methods: Ninety-six male patients aged ≥45 years diagnosed with LUTS and BPH were randomized to receive FDC’s of dutasteride with tamsulosin (group 1), alfuzosin (group 2) and silodosin (group 3) over a period of 16 weeks. Quality of life was assessed using International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) 8th question, BPH impact index (BII) and modified Patient Perception of Study Medication (PPSM) questionnaire.
Results: IPSS 8th question score improved significantly by 61.68%, 57.63% and 63.4% in group 1, 2 and 3 respectively. BPH Impact Index score also improved significantly by 62.95%, 60.13% and 61.82% in group 1, 2 and 3 respectively. All the three treatments were found to be similar in improving the QoL. Majority of patients were satisfied with their treatment and wanted to receive the medication again while a small number of patients were neutral with the study medication. None of the subjects was dissatisfied with any of the treatment.
Conclusions: All the FDC’s improved QoL and were found to be satisfactory as per patient perception of study medications.
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