A comparative study on efficacy of nepafenac and flurbiprofen in maintenance of intraoperative mydriasis during cataract surgery: an open label randomized controlled trial
Cataract surgery, Flurbiprofen, Intraoperative mydriasis, NepafenacAbstract
Background: Surgery on the ocular tissue brings about activation of phospholipase A3 thereby releasing prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Prostaglandins bring about meiosis during surgery, changes in IOP, conjunctival hyperaemia. Newer topical NSAID’s Nepafenac and Flurbiprofen are potent inhibitors of the cyclooxygenase enzyme thereby inhibiting the biosynthesis of prostaglandins. Objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of preoperative use of topical Nepafenac (0.1%) and Flurbiprofen (0.03%) in maintenance of intraoperative mydriasis during cataract surgery.
Methods: A randomised, comparative study was performed on 104 patients, 52 were allocated in each group and were given either of the topical NSAID’s Nepafenac or Flurbiprofen prior to cataract surgery. Pupillary diameter was measured at the beginning and at the end of the surgery and the values were compared between the groups. Mean and standard deviation was calculated and between two groups comparison was done using students t-test.
Results: The mean pupillary diameter of the two groups were comparable at the beginning of surgery (p=0.34). The mean change in the pupillary diameter was 1.86±0.71mm in the Nepafenac group and 1.77±0.72mm in the Flurbiprofen group. There was no statistically significant difference among both the groups in maintenance of intraoperative mydriasis (p=0.47).
Conclusions: Pre-operative use of Nepafenac and Flurbiprofen were equally effective in preventing meiosis during cataract surgery.
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